If you don’t have power for a prolonged amount of time due to the failure of your gas or electricity network operator, you may be eligible for compensation for any inconvenience or disruption caused. Continue reading to find out under what circumstances and how you can claim compensation if a gas or electricity outage occurs.
Am I entitled to power cut compensation?
If your electricity or gas supply goes off, you might be entitled to power cut compensation.
What you can claim depends on:
- If the power cut was planned or unplanned
- How long you are without electricity or gas
- If it was your gas or electricity distribution network operator’s fault
- If your gas or electricity distribution network operator didn’t meet the standards set by Ofgem
Your distribution network operator is not the company that you pay to supply electricity or gas to your property, that is your energy supplier. Your electricity distribution network operator is the company that manages and maintains the underground cables, overhead power lines, power stations, and substations that provide electricity to homes and businesses in your area.
Your gas distribution network operator is the company that manages and maintains the gas pipes that connect homes and businesses to the British gas distribution network. Your distribution network operator is responsible for restoring your electric or gas supply and responding to power cut compensation claims.
If you would like to find out how to prepare for a power cut, what to do in a power cut, or what help may be available to you in the event of a power cut, click here.
Please note, If your gas or electricity goes out due to a faulty energy meter or if you run out of prepayment credit, you will need to contact your energy supplier.
How much power cut compensation can I claim?
Power cut compensation in normal weather
Your distribution network operator has 12 hours to restore your electricity supply if it fails during normal weather conditions and if fewer than 5,000 customers are affected by a single fault. If the number of customers affected is greater than 5,000, your distribution network operator will have 24 hours to restore power.
If you have a power outage that lasts longer than 12 hours and affects fewer than 5,000 properties, or an outage that affects more than 5,000 properties and lasts longer than 24 hours, you can claim:
- £75 if you are a domestic customer
- £150 if you are a non-domestic customer (buildings not used as a home)
You will also be entitled to a further £35 for each additional 12 hours you go without power (up to a total of £300 if more than 5,000 properties were affected.)
If you are without power more than four times in a year (1st April to 31st March), for at least three hours each time, you will be able to claim an additional £75. This applies to domestic and non-domestic customers.
Power cut compensation in severe weather

Distribution network operators have 24 hours to restore your electricity supply if it fails due to a storm that causes between eight and 12 times the daily average number of faults in a 24-hour period. If the electricity supply fails due to storms causing more than 12 times the daily average number of faults in a 24-hour period, they will have 48 hours to restore your electricity supply.
If your distribution operator does not meet the above requirements, you will be able to claim:
- £70 for domestic if you are a non-domestic customer
- A further £70 for every additional 12 hours the supply has not been restored (up to £700)
If your distribution company is not able to gain access to their electrical equipment or to your premise due to flooding, the 24 or 48-hour period may not start until it is reasonably practicable for power to be restored.
Power cut compensation for not meeting communication standards
Your electricity distribution network operator must give you at least two days notice for any planned power cuts. If they fail to do so, you will be eligible to claim:
- £30 if you are a domestic customer
- £60 if you are a non-domestic customer
If you report a problem with the voltage of electricity coming into your property, the distribution network operator must:
- Send you a written letter within 5 working days explaining the issue, or
- Offer to visit your property within 7 working days
If they fail to send you a letter explaining the issue or fail to make or keep an appointment, you will be entitled to £30 compensation.
Am I entitled to compensation if my gas supply is cut off?
If your gas supply is cut off due to planned works and your distribution network operator did not give you at least seven days notice, you will be able to claim at least £40 compensation, or £20 compensation if they did not give at least five days notice. You will be entitled to claim a minimum of £60 for every 24 hours you are without gas due to an unplanned gas supply interruption.
In either case, you can claim more if you are off supply for more than 24 hours. The amount you are entitled to will depend on how long the outages last.
Additional payments and provisions are available for households on the Priority Services Register, such as alternative heating and, in certain cases, a free overnight stay in a hotel. The Priority Services Register is a free support service that makes sure extra help is available to people in vulnerable situations.
You can be added to the Priority Services register if you:
- Rely on medical equipment
- Have refrigerated medication
- Have a serious or chronic illness
- Are living with dementia
- Have a disability
- Have mental health difficulties
- Are of pensionable age
- Have children under the age of five in your household
You will not be able to claim compensation if:
- More than 30,000 homes were affected
- You caused the gas supply to be cut off
- Your gas distribution network operator took reasonable steps to prevent a power failure during bad weather
How to claim power cut compensation
If your electricity was cut off
If you meet the requirements for power cut compensation, you must contact your electricity distribution network operator to make a claim within three months of the unplanned power cut or within one month of planned power cuts. If your claim is successful, you should receive payment within 10 working days, if not, you will be entitled to another £30 compensation.
To find your electricity distribution network operator, click here.
If your gas was cut off
If your gas has been cut off and you are eligible for compensation, you will need to get in touch with your gas distribution network operator. If your claim is successful, you should receive your payment within 10 working days. If you do not receive it within 10 working days, you will be entitled to an additional £40 compensation.
To find your gas distribution network operator, click here.
If you are not satisfied with your distribution network operator’s decision following a claim, you will need to follow their complaints procedure. If you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you can refer the case to the Energy Ombudsman via their website.
How will the power cut compensation be paid to me?
The gas or electricity distribution network operator will either send your compensation payout to your energy supplier, where it will be credited to your account or to your prepayment meter, or they might pay it directly to your bank account if you have provided them with your details.